The Role Of The Yogakaraka Planet In Vedic Astrology


According to the rules of Jyotish, or Vedic astrology, the Yogakaraka is that planet which has rulership over both a Kendra house and a Trikona house. The so-called Kendra houses correspond to the angular houses in western astrology, i.e., the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th. These are deemed to be the most pivotal, powerful houses in the chart, as they represent the “Cross of Matter” upon which the soul is crucified in the present life.. At each point the Sun rises (1st house). culminates (10th house). sets (7th house) and anti-culminates (4th house). The so-called Trikona houses are the two houses that form a trinal (120 degree) relationship to the Ascendant. These are the 5th house and the 9th house. The Trikona houses are considered to be the most fortunate places and are the source of all talent, wisdom, inspiration, guidance and creative genius.

Given the above descriptions it becomes clear that any planet that holds rulership of both a Kendra and a Trikona house is going to have a powerful and positive impact on the life of the individual concerned. It will be a potential source of success and elevation in life and it’s position by sign, house and aspects should never be overlooked.


Not every planet can be yogakaraka because not every rising sign will create the conditions for it. Here are the relevant rising signs and the corresponding yogakaraka planets:

  • Aries –              None
  • Taurus –           SATURN, as lord 9 (Capricorn) and lord 10 ( Aquarius )
  • Gemini –          None
  • Cancer –          MARS, as lord 5 (Scorpio ) and lord 10 ( Aries )
  • Leo –               MARS, as lord 4 (Scorpio) and lord 9 ( Aries )
  • Virgo –             None
  • Libra  –             SATURN as lord 4 (Capricorn) and lord 5 ( Aquarius )
  • Scorpio –         MOON as lord 9 ( Cancer ) conjunct SUN. Lord 10 (Leo)
  • Sagittarius –    None
  • Capricorn –     VENUS as lord 5 (Taurus) and lord 10 (Libra)
  • Aquarius  –      VENUS as lord 4 (Taurus ) and lord 9 (Libra )
  • Pisces –         None

As can be seen from the above list, a yogakaraka planet has lordship of both a Kendra and a Trikona house in 50% of the rising signs while in the other half of the signs there is no one planet able to become a yogakaraka. Of the planets, the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter are likewise unable to become a yogakaraka. As for Rahu and Ketu, if they are in a Kendra, receiving an aspect from, or associate with the lord of a Trikona or Kendra, they will achieve yogakaraka status.

EXAMPLE 1: Barack Obama  

In the chart on the left – that of the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama – the sign of Capricorn is rising. ( For those of you unfamiliar with the layout of a Jyotish horoscope, each house begins at 0° of the sign and ends at 29° 59′;  Pisces is always in the top left corner and the signs follow clockwise around the chart. The Ascendant, or Rising Sign, is marked by the box with a diagonal line running through it. ) Capricorn rising makes Lord 5 + Lord 10 Venus the Yogakaraka planet. Venus is the significator of harmony, peace, charm and agreement yet here she is placed in the 6th house of loss of agreement, disease, poverty, victims, enemies and exploitation. Venus holds a great deal of power and influence as Lord of the 5th, the house of  creative intelligence, genius, performance art and politics and Lord of the 10th, the house of career, vocation and public reputation. It’s placement in the 6th house is fundamentally a position of service; one where the native  is called to serve those who are feeling victimized, alienated, destitute or in bitter conflict.  It is a position which requires dealing with a great variety of problems; however the majority of these problems will have to do with the karma of others and thus one has relatively little power to resolve the issues. One is rather a surprisingly religious force in the lives of those who are upset (imbalanced) and suffering from an inability to find harmony in this world.

Because house-6 is Mercury’s house of argument and criticism, Obama can expect to receive abundant criticism for his personal genius and political activities. (Lord 5). He was elected directly into a national situation of gross investment industry fraud combined with deteriorating race relations in USA. His natural charisma in approaching this toxic mix might ultimately at least  prevent a bad situation from getting worse. This is an excellent position for a politician who can bring the charisma of house 5 into the world of ethnic, class, and inter-demographic conflict as well as issues of debt or financial mismanagement, which is part of the remit of house 6.

EXAMPLE 2: Meryl Streep

 The second example chart is that of iconic film actress Meryl Streep, arguably the most accomplished actress of her generation. Her performance as a Polish holocaust survivor in the 1982 film “Sophie’s Choice” earned her first Oscar. The notable film critic Roger Ebert said of her performance, “Streep plays the Brooklyn scenes with an enchanting Polish-American accent (she has the first accent I’ve ever wanted to hug), and she plays the flashbacks in subtitled German and Polish. There is hardly an emotion that Streep doesn’t touch in this movie, and yet we’re never aware of her straining. This is one of the most astonishing and yet one of the most unaffected and natural performances I can imagine.” Streep’s later performances in films such as “Out of Africa”, “A Cry In The Dark” and “The Iron Lady” served to further showcase her remarkable talent for mastering accents. She has been nominated a record seventeen times for an Academy Award and has received the Oscar on three occasions, first for “Kramer vs Kramer” (1979), followed by “Sophie’s Choice” and finally for “The Iron Lady” (2011). What role does her Yogakaraka planet play in her remarkable success?

In her chart the sign of Cancer rises, making Mars – Lord of the 5th and 10th house – the Yogakaraka planet.  Here Mars is placed in Taurus in the 11th house. In Taurus, Mars produces a highly sensual, physical personality who uses her face, voice, body and wealth for pioneering pursuit of new conquests and experiences.  This placement of Mars flourishes in the arts and entertainment business where Mars’ physical vitality lends the muscular energy to fully develop big, glamorous, sensually luscious but tastefully gracious projects. Mars in Taurus can also be amazingly charismatic, especially if in any way connected to Venus. Here Venus in the 12th house is in mutual reception with Mercury, who in turn is conjoined to Mars. This powerful Mars-Mercury-Venus blend is what has produced such stunning, charismatic and imaginative (12th house) artistic performances (Mars, L5). The difficult 10th aspect from Saturn to both Mars and Mercury is responsible for her trademark perfectionism and meticulous attention to detail when preparing for a role. This aspect in fixed signs also increases her will and determination to succeed but also enhances the likelihood that her steadiness and dedication to her craft is likely to overwhelm her enthusiasm for action, e.g,  she famously learned to play the violin by practicing 6 hours a day for 8 weeks, for her role in Music of the Heart (1999). This level of dedication and  perfectionism is laudable but will prove extremely draining over time.

The 11th house is the house of income, gain, profit, and the achievement of one’s goals. It is not surprising therefore to see Yogakaraka Mars, lord of the 10th of career, vocation and public reputation; and lord of 5th of creative genius, performance and creativity occupying this highly beneficial place in the chart and receiving a trine from an angular Jupiter. Mars is also the lord of the Aries Moon, herself the ruler of the ascendant and placed in the 10th house, ensuring high public visibility and social recognition. Streep  has a strong emotional need for public dignity, honor, and respectable roles.

Despite her enduring reputation as one of the most iconic celebrities in the history of stage and screen, Meryl Streep retains a common touch and is unfazed by the crown of stardom that the public has placed upon her brow. In an interview she was once quoted as saying, “I try to live as normal a life as possible. You don’t get spoiled if you do your own ironing.” 

Meryl Streep: Superstar, Celebrity, and laundry-lady extraordinaire…


Published by

Cosmic Lighthouse

I have been a practicing astrologer for over 45 years. I was chairman of the Manchester Astrology Group in England during the early 90's and I have lectured throughout the U.K. and in the U.S. My chief areas of interest within the field range from pre-hellenistic astrology, traditional, horary, the Sabian symbols and synastry, all the way to the rich field of the Jyotish tradition, which I have been studying since 2008. If anyone would like a reading from me, just drop me an e-mail and we'll talk :) I moved to the U.S. from England in November 2007 and I currently live in northern New Jersey with my wife Saba. I have two step-kids and three of my own back home, as well as three glorious grandsons by the name of Ethan, Jenson, and Elijah, who call me "grampa Pete". It has to be the greatest compensation of getting older. Oh and one last thing: I am a supporter of the original, and therefore true, game of football, and of Liverpool football club. Despite their ups and downs over the past couple of seasons they will always remain, in my mind anyway, the greatest football team in the world. You'll Never Walk Alone. Peace out.

197 thoughts on “The Role Of The Yogakaraka Planet In Vedic Astrology”

      1. Nice article on Yogakaraka sir,I have 1 doubt regarding my yogakaraka,I am a Leo ascendant native,my yk mars is in cancer along with Jupiter and Venus,also moon is in aries,and Rx saturn aspecting mars via 7th aspect,whether my yk mars got neecha banga or it is became still worst,my dob is 10-06-1991,pob is Bangalore and tob is 12.20pm,hope sufficient info provided,plz clarify my doubt sir


      2. Hi srinivasastro, and thanks for your question. Rest assured that your yogakaraka Mars does indeed achieve neecha-bhanga status on two counts: first via it’s exchange with the Moon in Aries, and second via it’s conjunction with it’s exaltation lord, Jupiter.

        Regards, Pete


  1. Dear Pete,

    My question is with regard to the yog karak. If scorpio ascendent has yog karak by fact that moon and sun own 9th and 10 houses…. Why would it not be same for aries ascendent as then the sun and moon own 4th and 5th houses respectively… Kendra and trikon


    1. Hi Ameet, and thank you for your very good question! The reason why the Sun and Moon cannot be yogakaraka for Aries lagna is due to the Moon’s sole rulership of the 4th house. Maharishi Parashara says that a benefic owing a Kendra loses it’s beneficence. That isn’t to say that it becomes a malefic, only that it loses it’s benefic status and becomes neutral. Therefore the Moon loses much of her benefic status and cannot join with the Sun to produce Yogakaraka for this lagna.
      For Scorpio lagna the Moon rules the highly auspicious 9th house and the Sun, as lord of a kendra (10th), loses much of his malefic effect and is therefore able to form a yogakaraka with the Moon.
      I hope this helps to clarify things somewhat 🙂


  2. good article.. i have a bit complicated question.. what happens when yogakaraka planet venus is placed in enemy house in 8th house and has a parivarthana yoga with sun in the 10th house.. Capricorn asc.. 29-10-1983, 13-05, bangalore india


    1. Hello Varun, and thanks for taking an interest in my blog. As a rule I don’t usually answer questions related to personal chart factors but just this once I will offer some pointers. As I said in my blog, the yogakaraka planet will be a potential source of success, even if it occupies a difficult house like the 8th. In your case lord 8 ( Surya, the Sun ) achieves neecha bhanga status by virtue of his parivarthana yoga with Venus and his position in a kendra. This greatly empowers Surya and because Surya = karaka for professional career visibility and public recognition, and he also = L-8 for Makara lagna, he will ensure that you are somewhat disposed toward accepting public roles and professional leadership responsibilities within secret , dangerous, or mysterious areas (8) and emergencies or catastrophic events (8) .
      Example environments would include a hospital emergency room, confidential banking, state secrets, espionage, midwifery, surgery, healing, yoga-tantra, magic, shamanism, revolution; explosives, and eruptions of previously hidden force.
      Venus is lord 5 and in your chart resides in the 8th house, therefore we can say that the genius of games, creative intelligence, performance arts, and politics (5) enters the world of secrets , hidden forced catastrophic change, inheritance, surgeries, emergency, confidential information, tantra-yoga, magic, spouse’s money, in-laws of marriage. Notice the repeated themes of emergency, secrets, and catastrophic or sudden change. These are themes that you have a particular talent for, as an agent for such things. There is also the potential for wealth accrued from the skillful management of “other people’s money”.
      In the above analysis I have of course, simply focused on the house, sign and parvithan of Venus, the yokaraka for your ascendant. The rest of your chart will either enhance or modify these potentials. I hope this was helpful.


      1. Hello Hamraj, thank you for your question. If you would like me to give a detailed analysis of no less than six planets in your horoscope then please check out my post on Fees and Services.
        Many thanks…



  3. Hey there,
    That was a great article illustrated with good examples. However I have a doubt. In D-1 for a Cancer Lagna (Moon in Lagna) with Mars as its YK is in Aries in 10th House (Mooltrikona) but debilitated in D-10 (in Cancer in 8th house). Does this negate all the power Mars has ained in D-1attained. Mars in in Cancer in 12th house again in D-10 too. Venus gets Neechbhanga via Guru and Guru get Neech bhanga via Moon. Venus in Virgo in 3rd house and Guru in 7th house and Moon as mentioned in Lagna. Will this person not have any success in career?


  4. Hi Hemant, thanks for your question. Whilst I believe that the various varga charts such as D5, D9, D10 etc can be very useful, it can be most misleading to study them unless the birth time is very tight, ie: from the birth certificate. An error of just a few moments in the time of birth can throw a specific varga off by a long way! Assuming though, that the chart you quote is accurate, here we see a very strong, powerful yokaraka Mars in the 10th house throwing his powerful 4th aspect to the lagnesha Moon in Lagna. I would be very surprised indeed if the native did not enjoy some measure of success in his career.Mars forms a Ruchaka yoga and will therefore make the person brave, courageous and valiant but also somewhat foolhardy and impulsive. This is a good position for the military and for any kind of first responder, sportsman, or even a chef. The influence of the weak Mars in D-10 will create circumstances whereby success will be patchy and will ebb and flow somewhat, especially during the Dasa or Bhukti of Mars, but it will not deny success completely because of the exceptional strength of Mars in D-1.


  5. Hi friends,
    A very good & intresting chapter of astrology, Yogakarka like a bonus point to a person. I have capricorn ascendant venus is the yogkarka but is in 9th house with enemy sun and friend venus. I am facing lot of problems regarding my career. i am very much confused whether it is benefic or not. 13-10-1982, 13:50, Ambala City, India. what are the remedies to improve the venus. will it benefic to wear venus gemstone.


  6. Hello Manoj, you pose a very interesting question. As stated in my article, the Yogakaraka planet will always offer the potential for success and talent regardless of his condition, but obviously if he is neechcha then he is like a king who is sick and incapable of performing with real dignity and strength. Venus is a benefic and even when neechcha Venus retains the benefic status but cannot perform as well as he would like. Only if a neechcha planet attained full Neechcha Bhanga would the debility be turned into a fantastic asset and this can only happen if two of the following three criteria are met:*

    1. The neechcha planet is in a kendra (particularly the 10th house)
    2. The lord of the neechcha planet is uchcha (exalted)
    3. The neechcha planet is retrograde

    In your case only one of the criteria is honoured: i.e, Venus’ lord, Mercury is uchcha. Whilst this relieves the debility somewhat it doesn’t negate it entirely. Also somewhat helpful is the fact that your Venus falls in the highly auspicious 9th house. Still, that fallen Venus will bring trouble and test your moral values, especially during his dasa and bhukti periods. Information concerning the remedial gemstone for Venus can be found here:

    A neechcha planet, even a Yogakaraka planet, reveals a certain weakness in the character that has to be corrected (after all, even a highly skilled jewel-thief is still a thief. and a brilliant con-artist is still morally flawed!). The wearing of remedial gemstones will go some way towards correcting the flaw but the true and proper way to correct it, if the neechcha planet truly does not receive neechcha bhanga in the nativity, is via Seva, or service. In your case the seva should be focused upon “fallen” women, women of low moral character, or women who through no fault of their own are victims of cruel or difficult circumstances. Only in this way can you truly correct the flaw described by the neechcha placement. Use your strong Budha!
    Good luck!

    *Dr. David Frawley “Astrology Of The Seers”


    1. Dear Sir (Mr. Pete),
      Thanks for replying me. I like your comments on my Questions above. Can you please explain more clear about if there any relation between my yogakarka yoga or on my unstable career. what is your clear opinion on gemstonology(as you given reference of barbarapijan)

      Ambala City

      Thanks & Regards
      Manoj k


      1. Hi Manoj,
        it isn’t my practice or preference to offer free astrological advice online. I believe that my talents are good enough to command payment for their services. If you would like further advice above and beyond that which I have already given to you then I would be glad to send you a list of my fees. I realise that you are seeking clarity on whether Venus is acting as a benefic in your life and I believe that I provided such clarity in my former answer. If you study it in a quiet and meditative frame of mind I believe you will understand it more clearly.



  7. Hi,

    I have a question regarding yogakarak planet.
    Does a yogakarak planet like saturn for a taurus ascendant ,if placed in scorpio in 7th house, do good to the native. Saturn is also in vargottama with mars the 7th lord in capricorn. Will this enhance or reduce the goodness of saturn in theplace of marraige?


    1. Hi Amritha,
      in a situation like this, Saturn could be said to be in a “mixed” condition, for even though he is lord of the most fortunate house (9th) he is still a first-class malefic throwing his 7th aspect to the ascendant and his heavy 3rd aspect to Mars in the 9th. If marriage is to be successful at all then the spouse needs to be a positive Saturn type: older, more mature, professional, dutiful, serious and self-disciplined. He/she must also be someone who carries all the positive attributes of the native’s father (L7 in 9th ) and who functions as a mentor and guru.
      The Parivartamsha yoga of Shani and Kuja, no matter how much it might repress the animal vitality,

      *will give full discipline from Shani

      *and full productivity from Mangala.

      *the native will definitely accomplish something in life despite a personal propensity to take the longer, harder road toward nearly every goal.
      It is best not to have Shani afflicting or occupying bhava that encompass the personal element, such as bhava 1, 7, 9, 4, 5 etc, as Shani’s restraining, and confining nature can hurt the people represented by those bhava, but in terms of business this is an excellent placement, particularly if one includes the parivartamsha yoga with Uchcha Kuja ruling the house of partnership. Marriage may be a tough, serious affair but it can be made to work and will be more likely to do so if marriage is postponed until later in life.
      *The parivartamsha yoga benefits Kuja’s bhava , somewhat restrains Kuja’s ambitions by Shani’s drishti, and grants Shani some extra stability and respect. The higher levels of institutional dignity, deriving from Kuja’s leadership signification, allow one to move into dangerous areas of social enterprise without undue fear. Although challenging social boundaries somewhat, one expects legitimacy and gets it.
      Uchcha Kuja receiving drishti of His lord strengthens Kuja’s bhava , and brings out the best in Mangala’s ‘captain of industry’ executive capabilities.
      Kuja’s uchcha personality is both very aware of Social Rules (Shani) and swiftly decisive (Kuja) with a powerful competitive instinct. Thus uchcha Kuja alone is nearly always the karaka for remarkable success in business.
      In the parivartamsha relationship, one succeeds in gaining high wealth and position undoubtedly, but one’s special task is to steer the ship of social change in some way.
      Shani is terrified in Vrischika. Shani fears all the traditionally dangerous experiences, taboo materials, such as sex, death, dark waters, magic, etc.
      Shani is stressed to the limits of social control by trying to prevent sudden attack from outside *and* from the inside (traitors, hidden terrorists).
      Kuja uses the respectability of success in commerce and position in the established social hierarchy to leverage Shani’s fears of annihilation through exposure to hidden and mysterious threats, in order to move society forward through a phase of instinctive fear. When the danger of structural collapse reaches too high of a level, Kuja steps in with strong decisions to right the ship.
      Kuja essentially takes that mysterious threat and makes a business out of it! And a very good business indeed.

      *With thanks to Barbara Pijan Lama for this information.


      1. I have a doubt regarding yogakkaraka Mars placed in 7th house–Leo lagna.The 7th lord saturn is exalted and placed in 3rd.
        Is there Mars Dosha? To what extent it is mitigated? How will be the married-life?


      2. Hi, and thanks for your question. This position of Mars is not a form of Kuja dosha. Being located within the marriage house, Kuja does not “see” the marriage house. Kuja in yuvati bhava gives a competitive and ambitious spouse. The spouse must have an outside career to provide competitive self-expression. The spouse is athletic.
        For a male with Kuja in bhava-7, the wife is a strong career woman and probably also an athlete who needs significant leadership challenges to channel her dynamism. She is an “alpha female” if Kuja is strong. Indicates healthy sex drive in the female, which also must be expressed, cannot be contained.
        However Kuja in 7th rashi does cast drishti upon bhava-2 making the native’s second marriage rather contentious and prone to verbal sparring.
        The exalted 7th lord in bhava 3 indicates that writing, publishing, communications media production, announcements, advertisements, holiday and business short-term travel are all likely to be up front and centre with respect to marriage and the marriage partner. This is an auspicious and guidance-providing position: L-7 in 9th-from-swakshetra.
        The spouse builds one’s capacity for producing publications and announcements. Communications skills development and media-management are significant benefits of marriage.
        Spouse is organized and administratively minded and may take a sibling attitude toward the marriage partnership.



      3. In my question dt. 15th Oct, 2013, I failed to mention that even though Mars is yogakkaraka, he is also Bhadhak for Leo, thereby
        causing some dent in its status of Yogakkaraka. Pl explain the full situation and effect on marital life.


      4. While it is true that Mars is a Bhadhak planet for Simha lagna, Acharya Vadyanath states in “Jatak Parijata” that a Bhadhak planet can only cause obstructions and problems if at the same time he is also lord of the UpaGraha ‘Mandi’ or of the 22nd Drekkona. If neither of these obtain in the chart then Bhadhak can do no harm. This has been stated also by Shri B.Subramanian Shastri in one of his articles.


      5. In my question dt. 15th Oct, 2013, I failed to mention that even though Mars is yogakkaraka, he is also Bhadhak for Leo, thereby
        causing some dent in its status of Yogakkaraka. Pl explain the full situation and effect on marital life.

        By: KR Mani on October 19, 2013
        at 5:48 am

        While it is true that Mars is a Bhadhak planet for Simha lagna, Acharya Vadyanath states in “Jatak Parijata” that a Bhadhak planet can only cause obstructions and problems if at the same time he is also lord of the UpaGraha ‘Mandi’ or of the 22nd Drekkona. If neither of these obtain in the chart then Bhadhak can do no harm. This has been stated also by Shri B.Subramanian Shastri in one of his articles.

        By: Cosmic Lighthouse on October 25, 2013
        at 6:26 am

        Question: Pl state whether the bhadak in this case will do harnm. The two conditions–“f at the same time he is also lord of the UpaGraha ‘Mandi’ or of the 22nd Drekkona. If neither of these obtain in the chart then Bhadhak can do no harm.”

        By: KR Mani on October 19, 2013
        at 5:48 am


      6. I’ve taken a quick look at your chart ( which I see has 5 degrees of Simha in Lagna, placing Gulika (Mandi) at 14 degrees of Vrichika (Scorpio ) in the 4th house. Therefore in your case Mars is indeed lord of Mandi and will cause obstructions or delays in marriage. “Mandi” means ‘slow, tardy feeble, weak, loitering’ etc, and this is the general effect of the obstruction: that marriage may be delayed or obstructed. In the 4th house, Gulika is likely to create either delayed access to formal education, or retarded social development due to very conservative, reactionary or fundamentalist educational practices. The mother also may present Mandi-like qualities.
        I hope this helps to clarify the situation for you.


  8. Thanks for such a descriptive explaination. Can you please explain about neecha banga rajyoga of sun and venus in libra 6th house for a taurus ascendant and its affects?


    1. Yes, because Venus is a benefic in her own sign, although that said Venus herself is weakened through her position in the 6th. As for the neechcha bhanga rajayoga I take the position of David Frawley in his book “The Astrology Of The Seers”. He says that in order for cancellation of neechcha two out of the following three criteria must be met:

      1. The debilitated graha occupies a kendra.
      2..The Lord of the neechcha graha = uchcha
      3. Neechcha graha = retrograde

      None of these conditions are present in your example therefore the Sun doesn’t obtain neechcha bhanga status. If you think about it, of all the planets the Sun has the hardest time achieving neecha bhanga, and for two reasons: first, he is never retrograde, and second, when he is in Libra his lord,Venus, can never be in her exaltation sign of Pisces. This situation is unique to the Sun. Unless he obtains further strength via being in a kendra – especially the 10th – and receives strong drishti from other benefics such as a very bright Moon or Jupiter, then he will be very weakened by being in Libra.


  9. Thank you so much for the explaination. There is one more clause to neecha banga rajyoga, please pardon me if im wrong, that if the lord of the rashi where the debiliated planet is situated is exaulted in the navavamsha in pisces in 10th house, then neech banga raj yoga can apply?? Just curious to know the answer.
    And aspect of Jupiter’s being in 10th in aquarius, would it help strengthening the sun anyhow?
    Sorry for troubling you.


    1. None of the authors I follow use the navamsa to create neechcha bhanga yoga. That isn’t to say that an exalted Venus in 10th in navamsa isn’t a good placement, it is – but it doesn’t dissolve it’s neechcha status in D1.
      The splendid trine from Jupiter to the Sun will help the Sun enormously. Guru here enhances the reputation and brings the respect of others for your wisdom and spiritual and metaphysical ( Lord 8 ) knowledge.


  10. Hi,

    Is yokakarka planet with reference to Ascendent or with reference to Moon sign. Many articles says its with both. In that case if a person is having Cancer rising and Taurus moon, then which would be the yogakarka planet, Mars (for ascendent) or Saturn (for moon sign).

    It would be very helpful if you could please clear this doubt.

    Warm regards


    1. Hi Vinay,
      comments have to be approved by me before they appear on the page, which is why you could not see it after you posted it.
      To answer your interesting question: every author I have read and whose opinion I respect says that the yogakaraka planet is referenced from the Ascendant, and I agree with this assessment.

      Regards, Pete


      1. Hi Pete,

        Many thanks….a thought which kept lingering my mind for long without a definite answer.

        Warm regards


  11. Hello Pete,

    I had posted a comment, but cant see it anymore..

    Is a Yogakarka planet with reference to Ascendent or Moon Sign, few articles states its for both. For a person with Cancer Ascendent and Taurus moon, what would be the Yogakarka? Mars (for cancer ascendent) or Saturn for (Moon sign).

    Your guidance on the matter will be really helpful.

    Warm regards


  12. Thank you so much for your patient reply.
    It is good to know that even though the neecha banga of Sun is not present, the exalted venus with sun and the 10th house Jupiter would really strengthen the Sun in 6th house libra for a taurus ascendant.


  13. for aries ascendant ,if 5th house lord sun is placed in 4th house ,then is it yog akaraka planet for this aries lagna ? If so , then in which way it helps the career?


    1. Hi Arun,
      the answer to your question is no, regardless of what bhava the Sun occupies it is not the yogakaraka for an Aries lagna. A single planet can only be yogakaraka if it simultaneously has lordship over a kendra and a trikona. For example, for Libra lagna Shani is L4 + L5; For Cancer lagna Kuja is L5 +L10; for Aquarius lagna Shukra is L4 + L9 etc. See the table in my article for details. For sure the Sun will carry with it all the positive attributes of it’s lordship of the 5th house and such attributes should be fostered and encouraged but he isn’t the yogakaraka. Indeed no graha holds that status for Aries lagna.


      1. what is panchgraha mallika ? if it starts with a malefic graha in lagna and ends in 5th house with a maraka planet ,what does it mean ?


  14. A good explanation of the effects of panchgraha malika yoga can be found here:
    Note that the author states that this yoga can only bestow it’s benefits if the Lagna and Lagna lord are strong in the horoscope. Wealth, talent and respect can only be assured if the relevant houses ( 1,10,5,9) and their lords promise it. In my view the presence of this yoga alone won’t bring it.


  15. Hi Pete,it’s really an amazing explanation regarding Yogakaraka planets for different ascendant.My question,for Cancer ascendant,if Mars and Ketu conjunct in 4th house(Libra) and Rahu is in 10th house(Aries),does it create a Rajyoga?Since Mars being a yogakaraka planet for Cancer ascendant.What kind of result one can expect from this planetary positioning? Regards,Chandan


    1. Hi Chandan,
      accorfing to the guidelines laid out in “Brhat Parasara Hora Sastra”, if either Rahu or Ketu are in a kendra and either receive drishti from, or are associated with the lord of a trikona or a kendra it will become a yoga karaka. Joni Patry, in her discourse at the “BLAST” conference in Sedona, Arizona in Sept 2008 says this also creates a raja yoga. As Mars is lord of a kona house then this is a raja yoga combination. The position in bhava 4 is an interesting one as L-5 resides in the quiet, retreating, meditative, imaginative, distant, invisible, dissolving, dreamy, clairsentient 12th-from-swakshetra. It can show someone who is gifted in the service of providing security to others, by one who does not own a home ( e.g.Ram Dass), or has no fixed residence; or one in service to education; by one who holds no diploma or one who guards and protects the Earth yet who does not own the Earth. According to Barbara Pijan Lama the highest manifestation of Ketu consciousness becomes impersonal but wise custodial stewardship of the land. She says that “with Ketu in bandhu bhava,one’s karmic decision to select protective, supportive parents may bring detached wisdom that can greatly advance the spiritual comprehension.”


      1. Hi Pete,hope you are doing well.I am waiting for another informative as well as interesting blog post from you.I have another query.For a Cancer ascendant,if Jupiter and Mercury conjunct in ascendant itself and Moon is placed in 6th house (Saggitarius),what kind of combination it can be?Moreover,for Cancer ascendant,does Jupiter a functional benefic or a functional malefic?What kind of result one will experience during the mahadasha of Jupiter if one has planetory combination as stated above.I am waiting eagerly to hear an expert comment from you.


  16. Hello Pete,

    Similar to my earlier question with reference to yogakarka,(whether its with reference to ascendent or moon.) If you could please guide, when one studies transit of various planets, are these to be considered from the moon or from your ascendent.

    Various articles discuss this from both, have discussed this in certain forum, where there were strong debates from people vouching the correctness of these transits from both. I was informed by one learned person that he uses ascendent, BUT was advised to apply either, depending on what results i have seen in the past with either types of transit.
    Now assuming for an example if transit from moon is what reflects prominently in ones life, then for considering the Yogakarka planet , will the reference still be from ascendent??? Or since the transit applicability is from moon, the yogakarka would also be with reference to moon???

    Most helpful if you could shed some light on it.

    Kind regards


  17. Chandan, in the example you give Jupiter achieves Hamsa yoga, by virtue of being exalted in a kendra. As lord of an auspicious house (9th) and an upachaya house (6th) he will bring mixed results. Wisdom comes from dealing with hardship and imbalance.As for his Parivartamsha yoga with the Moon, Parivartamsha yoga increases the power of the two bhava involved.
    It will also increase the power of the two graha involved.
    Increasing the power of these two bhava and these two graha may be helpful for the success of the nativity.
    If the graha involved are natural or temporal benefics;(as these two are, despite Jupiter being lord of the 6th) expect increase of ease and comfort in matters for which these graha are “karaka” or action-agents. For temporal benefics, effects of the exchanged two bhava are also smooth and relaxed.

    The type of yoga you describe is known as a Dainya Parivartamsha Yoga, whereby one of the planets involved rules a dhushtamsha. In this scenario the Moon becomes damaged by his association with the dushtamsha lord Jupiter (possibly via addiction or excess of one sort or another during the dasa or bhukti of either planet), whereas Jupiter benefits from it’s connection to the Moon. Appetites of all kinds need to be carefully controlled..


  18. Hello Vinay and thank you for your excellent question. In answer I can only say that transits can and should, in my opinion, be referenced from both the Lagna and the Moon. The Moon is the most important planetary body in Jyotish and her influence can never be overestimated. The Moon as Lagna (referencing the Moon sign as the Ascendant) will have particular importance if the Moon is strong in the nativity, for example if the Moon is exalted, swakshetra, moolatrikona, in a kendra, recieving drishti from benefics, or any combination of these influences. Under such circumstances the Chandra Lagna may well supercede Bhava 1 as ascendant. Having said that you must weigh the alternatives carefully and use both your common sense and experience. Every horoscope is a unique energy pattern and you must become familiar with the basics through experience, trial and error.
    As for the Yogakaraka, my experience has taught me that we take it from the Lagna, regardless of the strength of the Moon or the effectiveness of transits to her.


  19. Hello Pete,

    Many thanks for a lucid explanation. It’s very clear now. Wonder why people make things so complicated. I had discussed this in different forums with so much of contradicting views, leaving me totally confused.

    Thanks again…have a nice day.

    Kind regards


  20. Hello,
    thanks for explaining the matter of yogakaraka planets so clearly.

    I am a capricorn ascendant. I have the yogakaraka venus with mercury in taurus. would u plz tell me how that will help me? also I have the 10th house aspected by mars (in 3rd house) and by jupiter (in 6th house). saturn is in sagitarius. there is no planet in the 10th. plz be so kind to tell me how that can help my profession and life.

    plz reply and thanks in advance


  21. I am a Scorpio ascendant, with moon in 5th Meena, running ketu maha dasha, moon is with sun rahu and saturn, is my moon weak? Jupiter in 10 mars in aries venus and mercury Aquarius. also if a planet is strong when will its effect be felt? duirng maha dasha or during anter dasha?


  22. Dear Pete,thanks for the informative article, I didn’t know about Scorpio having a yogakaraka so far, I liked how you explained why the same theory isn’t applicable to Aries ascendant ,very thoughtful. My question is How does a yogakaraka planet like Saturn act in conjunction with another malefic planet … Say for example mars? Does it give the same good results. Thanks in advance


  23. Pete please write on parivarthan yoga in detail . If you have already written an article then kindly direct me to the same.


  24. Hello,

    I had a question about career, my rising sign is gemini with jupiter in it and mars giving 8th aspect to tenth and venus debilitated in 4th. I have sun, ketu, mars and mercury in leo. Saturn in 7th. What do you think?

    Thanking You,


  25. Dear sir
    It is good information regarding yogakaraka planet. In my case saturn yogakarak for libra ascendant is in capricon at 1deg 2 min. with rahu at 15deg. My rahu dasa started at birth triggered a great raja yoga away from my birth place. ketu in 10th house receiving aspect from Saturn will it spoil career. 10L in 5th

    Thank you


    1. I see no reason why having Ketu in the 10th house should spoil your career, even if receiving an aspect from Saturn. The great Hollywood actor Tom Hanks has just this position in his chart, with Saturn also L6 in the 4th house. He has had a stellar career in film. So have actors Kevin Costner and Denzel Washington, both with Ketu in 10th, the latter also has an aspect from Saturn to Rahu in 4th. Other famous people with Ketu in 10th who have reached the pinnacle of success in their respective careers include: Sophia Loren, Shirley MacLaine, Madonna and Paul McCartney. What they all have in common is the fact that they have become almost iconic symbols in their respective careers. It’s almost as if no-one knows who the real person is behind the image that they portray. At worst Ketu will demand certain sacrifices from you as a consequence of the position you attain in life, and you must be prepared to make those personal sacrifices and not become ego-attached to your position. Ketu is a planet of Moksha, or spiritual liberation. If your aims are in tune with it you can have a very successful career. On the other hand if you strive after personal power and ambition Ketu will block you at every opportunity.
      Good luck!


    1. An exalted yogakaraka is an indication that the soul has earned merit from past life actions according to the nature of the exalted planet. When this is Mars then there is great drive, courage, action and enterprise that is chanelled into the house he occupies, in this case the 7th house of partnerships – both business and more personal. The debilitation in Navamsa should not be able to detract much from this excellent placement, other than to caution against selfishness. If Mars had not been exalted this would have been a real problem. The conjunction with Rahu brings an exaggeration and amplification of Kuja’s impulse toward competitive contests.One will take risks (Rahu) and break taboos (Rahu) in order to achieve dominance in competition, and serve as an agent of renovation, re-invention, and rebirth. This may apply to the partner also, given the position in the 7th house.


      1. Hello Shardulsharma,
        the reason I deleted your comment is because it wasn’t a comment at all but a request for free astrological advice on your horoscope. I have made it clear here on my blog site that I will not comment on blatant requests for free readings. I am a professional astrologer and if you want advice on your horoscope – whether that be about career, marriage, or health etc then I will send you a list of my fees. Requests for free readings however, will be deleted.
        I hope you understand.


      2. Dear CL
        Thanks for the reply. But both Ma and Ra are planets of separation so I guess they will also fulfil their roles. Extending the question, if the lagna is vargottama and Ma is exalted in Rashi but debilitated in Navamsha, would that change anything. Because in this case , Ma is yogakaraka in both the cases.


      3. Yes this is true, Kuja and Rahu will tend to have a separative effect because neither planet is conducive to harmony and peace. Please see my earlier response with regard to debilitation in Navamsha.


    1. Hello Shardulsharma, yes the Sun does achieve neechabhanga raja yoga and for two reasons:
      1: It resides in a kendra from Lagna.
      2: It’s lord is dignified and also in a kendra.
      Vargottama planets are said to be strengthened because they occupy the same sign in both the radix and the navamsha. I can see the logic behind that statement, in that the planetary energy is harmonised in both vargas. I’m yet to be convinced however, that vargottama planets are actually stronger in practice. Indeed, is there any benefit to be had from a neechcha planet in vargottama?


  26. Sir, Pete Daiwson.. what is the nature of Ketu in general? Is it a malefic which blocks the attributes where it is placed completely? For example, What is the nature of ketu when placed in 5 th house of natal chart? Does it deny the progeny and education prospects completely?


    1. Hello amritha,
      according to Jyotisha Barbara Pijan Lama, with whom I concur, the primary nature of Ketu is as follows:

      Ketu is not an agent of positive action. He cannot build or develop. Ketu is passive, an observer, a witness. Having no intentions or desires of His own, Ketu does not initiate any actions. Ketu’s effects are strictly negative and consequential. As in The myth of Rahu-Ketu, Ketu’s experience is not of His own choosing. Ketu’s reality is merely the result of Rahu’s impulsive and compulsive acts.
      Ketu is however an agent of negative action.
      According to His role in the myth, Ketu facilitates separations:
      *of the soul from the body,
      *of the marriage partners from the marriage,
      *of the head from the body (beheading), amputations and atrophies,
      * via loss of circulation (blood circulation, social circulation),
      *via loss of integrity, loss of wholeness,
      *via loss of dignity,
      *via severance…
      *via sudden splits and cuts.

      – all with an attitude of passive ambivalence.

      Chidakaraka Ketu symbolises ‘losing one’s head’ in some environment .
      Any graha yuti Ketu will change the prediction. [ this is an important consideration. ~ C.L.]
      Any graha sharing a bhava with Ketu will have a dominating influence on the bhava, so that Ketu will simply give the effect of His lord whenever He shares a bhava with a solid graha.
      Ketu-ish “scattering” effects are most pronounced when Ketu is the sole resident of the bhava.”

      As for Ketu’s effect on fertility when placed in the 5th house, it does tend to deny children if Ketu’s lord is placed in a dusthana (6th, 8th, 12th ), and especially if afflicted. Otherwise, the presence of Ketu alone in the 5th is likely to produce children who are a little spacey, odd, eccentric or otherwise “exotic” and “different”.

      Regards, C.L.


  27. Hello Pete,

    It would be very helpful if you could please help me in understanding the following:

    During Mahadasha of a planet, what role does the gochar or current planetary transit plays. Does the dasha lord gives result on his placement in the natal chart or the house he is currently transiting. I have read that the house the dasha lord transits at the start of the dasha plays very prominent role all through the dasha period…is it true? Also if you could please guide if planetary transit is to be considered from moon or asc (lagna).

    Kind regards


    1. Hi Vinay, this is a very good question and I’m glad you posed it. The transit of every planet (including Rahu and Ketu ) has a part to play in one’s life journey of course, but a transit takes on much greater significance if the planet in question is also the Mahadasha or Bhukti lord. Even the transits of swift moving graha, such as Mercury or Venus, will have heightened significance if they happen to be the Dasa/Bhukti lord of the period, even more so if their transit is reinforced by a similar transit of Saturn. The Dasha/Bhukti lord when in transit will primarily bring to fruition whatever yogas he is involved in natally but yes, the house he is transiting will also be involved. You need to combine the elements of both. I can’t confirm that the house the dasha lord transits at the beginning of a dasha becomes critical throughout the entire dasha as I have never heard that before. It’s an interesting idea though!
      Lastly, most authors agree that majore transits should be considered from both the Moon and the Lagna. If the Moon is very prominent in the horoscope then I would give him more weight than the lagna and vice versa.
      There’s no substitute for your own observations! 🙂


  28. Hi,

    I would like clarification when Dainya yoga and mahayoga is formed simultaneously, somewhat.

    For example, in cancer ascendant if mars is in 6th (6th= Sagittarius , jupiter is lord of 6th [dusthana] as well as 9th) and Jupiter is in 10th (Aries = mars).

    So technically it is only a Dainya yoga but because Jupiter owns two houses, it is also a mahayoga in literal sense.

    In this case which on is applicable or do they both give mixed results. Is there a name for such a yoga?


    1. Hello Lak,
      I don’t know the name for such a yoga, sadly. In the example you cite, Dainya and Maha yogas exist simutaneously. One does not cancel out the other but rather you will see evidence of both in the native’s life and behaviour. Much also depends on whether Lord 6 is a natural benefic or malefic. If malefic then one’s struggle with health issues, addictions, adversaries etc becomes very public and adversely affect the career and reputation. If benefic then one can be quite successful in any career where one serves the sick, the exploited, the victimised or the disenfrachised. For Cancer lagna lord Guru must be considered a functional malefic due to his rulership of the 6th house. Even though he is also lord of the highly auspicious 9th house he will always be tainted with disagreement, criticism, abuse and/or rivalry, thanks to his simultaneous lordship of Ari bhava. So he produces both benefits and difficulties. The one does not cancel out the other.


  29. sir if venus is in libra in 10th house in birth chart and is vargottama(same rasi in navasma and birth chart)….and is yogkaraka….den what r the results..plz throw some light..wot results r to b expected in its mahadasha..


    1. Briefly, I will say that the Mahadasha period of a dignified yogakaraka should produce excellent results. According to “BRIHAT PARASARA HORA SHASTRA”, such a period promises:

      acquisition of fancy clothes, ornaments, conveyances, cattle and land etc.,
      availability of sweet preparations every day,
      recognition from the sovereign,
      luxurious functions of songs and dances etc. by the benevolence of Goddess Lakshmi.

      Should Venus be MulaTrikona (between 1-10 degrees of Libra ) then the results are even better. As well as the above, the native should enjoy:
      Acquisition of a kingdom,
      Acquisition of a house,
      birth of children and/or grandchildren,
      celebration of marriage in the family,
      Attainment of a high position,like the Commander of an Army,
      visits of friends,
      recovery of lost wealth, property, or kingdom.

      As you can see, these descriptions were taylored for the times the book was written in. In our modern era “sovereign” can be thought of as anyone in a position of great power and authority. A “kingdom” these days may well be translated as an important professional position, etc.
      I hope this helps.
      Regards, C.L.


    1. Hi Greeshma,
      As a malefic, Mars is reasonably well placed in the 6th house,as this is an Upachaya house, where malefics do better over time. Indeed, in Western astrology Mars is said to “joy” in Ari bhava: the house of enemies, accidents, debt and sickness. Mars likes a good fight! 🙂


    2. Yes. Mars can handle the difficult environment of Ripu bhava very well whilst in the sign of his good friend Jupiter. He is angular and dignified in navamsha also. A decent Mars, all things considered!


  30. no sir i mean if the planet is in the same rashi in birth chart and navasma…den it is here m asking a planet in movable rashi is vargottama only if it is between 0deg0min-3deg20min….dat m asking??.


    1. Shardulsharma, I apologise, I misunderstood your question, I thought you wrote MUTABLE signs, not Moveable. Yes I have several charts in my database that bear out the rule that only planets between 00deg00′ and 3deg20′ of Moveable signs in the birthchart become vargottama.


  31. Hi Pete
    Good article on Yogkarakas
    For a Cap Asc ,what if Venus is i the Asc itself unaspected nor conjunct any planet-what does this mean during its dasha or generally. From Asc it will aspect 7th house of partners and relationships as well


    1. Hi, and thanks for your question. Such a Yogakaraka Venus – in a friend’s rashi and in Lagna – is indeed fortunate. As L5 it will bring classical good looks, plus artistic and aesthetic gifts. It describes a charismatic personality: politically and theatrically radiant with abundant life-force energies. Such a person feels naturally entitled; radiant; charming, and attracts applause. As L10 it brings gifts of leadership, authority, professional respect and executive ability. There should be much political savvy. Venus’ drishti to the 7th house attracts a beautiful, sensual, charming partner and creates true diplomatic and negotiating skills. The 20 years of the Venus dasha should see most, if not all, of these potentials realised. If the dasha does not occur in one’s lifetime then the periods of Venus bhukti will bring such opportunities. Remember though, that this is but one position in your nativity, and should not be taken in isolation.



  32. sir , i have venus in cancer which is considered its enemy sign…
    my yogakarak is venus in 7th house….how strong is this venus…
    also saturn in capricorn in lagna…is it strong /?
    does this placement of venus causes seperation from wife ?

    DOB- 16 July 1992
    Place – Mumbai
    Time – 19:47
    waiting for ur reply sir..!!


    1. Hello Carlsen,
      I’ll answer your questions briefly but as succinctly as I can. Your Venus is strong on two counts: 1) it is yogakaraka and rules the 5th and 10th bhava, and 2) it resides in a kendra and aspects the lagna. While it is true that Venus resides in a sign of his enemy and is aspected by this enemy and two other malefics (Sun and Saturn ), he is still strongly placed. He just has to deal with the vibrations coming from these three aspects. ( Actually 5, if you add in the aspects from Mercury and Mars ). Saturn is indeed strong in this chart, forming a Shasha Yoga ( dignified in a kendra). His conjunction with the Moon (L7) will influence the choice of marriage partner. Saturn may well bring delays or a significant age gap between partners. As for the possibility of separation from the wife, this is only one way in which such a Venus, or indeed such a Saturn may operate. You also have a Kuja Dosha, with Mars aspecting the 7th house. In India such a placement requires marriage to someone who also has Kuja Dosha, so that each cancels out the other. One should also wait until after the age of 28, to lessen the severity of it.



  33. Hello Sir,
    How does Mars behave when for Cancer Ascendant it is placed in the 10th house (Aries). However, Mars is on 8th Navamsa with Rahu in Cancer house. Does it loose all its power to do good? How will it behave under Venus Mahadasha (D1 – Debilitated in Virgo – in 3rd house (Mars is 8th from Venus in D1) and 6th Navamsa). Hope I have not confused you already..:)
    Please reply.
    Thanks Hemant


    1. First of all there’s no need to worry how Mars will behave under the Venus dasha since this doesn’t commence until February 2096! In this chart Mars forms the important Ruchaka Yoga, (dignified and in a kendra ) endowing the native with strength, courage and the ability to lead others. This is a self-made person who can rise in life through the power of will, swiftness, competitiveness and self-assertion. The position in the navamsa may well show problems through joint finances (8th house ) and moody selfishness (Cancer) which must be overcome through discipline and diligent practice.



  34. great analysis sir…D.O.B:6.2.1994 5.55 PM asc is cancer and yogakarak mars is exalted in 7th house,i also have venus and sun in 7th house…do u see problems in my marriage life and considering that 10th lord is in 7th house(10th from 10th),will i have a successfull career,also 10th lord of D-1 chart is exalted in dasamsa too …my 7th lord saturn is in 8th house(aquarius) with mercury receiving aspect from jupiter…kindly give reply sir….


    1. Hello Adithya and thank you for your comment. As you may or may not have seen on my blog page, I refrain from giving free astrological advice in any detail. My purpose is to share my knowledge and educate others but I am a professional and if you want advice about your marriage and career then I will be happy to provide same for the appropriate fee. If you are still interested then please e-mail me at



  35. what if the yogakaraka( Saturn- taurus asc. ) in birth chart is debilitated in the D9 chart but forming a vipreeta raj yoga i.e- saturn in aries 8th house at 05.50 degree & Aquarius ruling the 6th house.
    I wonder if this vipreeta raj yoga be benefic or malefic as the yogakaraka forming it is debilitated that too in a maraka house, and how does this debilitated yogakaraka in D9 effects the birth chat itself.


    1. Hi Mohit and thanks for your excellent question! First of all I must point out that Saturn does not form a Viparita Raja Yoga in D.9, In order for this Yoga to be present, the graha involved cannot also be L1. L5 or L9, and here Saturn is L5, so the VPY does not apply. To address your last question, *all things being equal* a neechcha Saturn in the 8th house may well present serious lessons connected to the concepts of loss, shock, trauma and sudden, forced change. That said, one has to look at any other condition that may pertain to Saturn in Randhra Bhava (8th house ): does he receive drishti from a natural benefic? Is there Neechcha Bhanga present? Also, Saturn’s status as Yogakaraka in D1 must not be overlooked. As L9 + L10 he has the potential to bring one into contact with spiritual teachings and wisdom that will aid one in his or her position in society and offer public respect and acknowledgement. Saturn’s position by sign, house and drishti in D1 will further speak to that potential. The Navamsa (D9) chart primarily shows the character of one’s spouse and the conditions that pertain in marriage. We attract both of these things into our lives via the deep, unconscious patterns and expectations that we generate and which return to us in the form of experiences ( and people ) in the world. The D9 shows the nature of those unconscious expectations, which are psychic echoes from previous lives. It describes the way in which you encounter your spouse; the way in which you apprehend his or her personality, *which may be totally different from the way others view them.* If the D9 presents damaged patterns for marriage then this will “act out” in life until we become conscious of our projections and own them, at which point ignorance has a chance to become wisdom!



  36. Birth details are
    time 10.15am
    place Ghaziabad

    in my kundli, karka lagana, mesh rashi
    1 budadhitya yog is formed(in 11th H D-1 charts)
    2 gajkesri yoga(4-10H)
    3 excahange yoga(parivartan) in D-10 in 1st and 5th H lord
    currently I facing litigation from 4/2/2013 I am not understanding ,while having above yoga why I am facing these difficulties.
    plse guide me.


  37. Hi,

    this what I have:

    Day & Date of Birth Sat, 19/5/1990
    Time of Birth 10:01 AM
    Place of Birth Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Im a Manglik and since Mars is positioned in the 8th house, it is strong Manglik Dosha
    Mangal dosha has been cancelled due to following reasons:
    Lagna(Ascendant) is Karkata(Cancer), therefore Mars is a yoga karaka and so no dosha wherever it is placed.Mars is in conjunction or aspected by Moon.
    This what i see. i have a yoga karaka which means ill be successful in my career, right? Im 24 years old i dont see anything yet. Marriage is gonna be good since strong dosham is cancelled? i guess i need to wait as only 24 but im not finished my career and neither was i successful in school. pls guide me.


    1. Hello Nelane, and thank you for your excellent question. In reply I can do no better than refer you to the following link, which I believe will give you many insights into the effects of the Kuja Dosha in your chart, which is to your Chandra lagna. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, where the Jyotisha answers a question very similar to yours.



  38. Thanks for yr excellent article. I am an astrologer by hobby and passion. My birth particulars : 22nd sept, 1960, 0225 hrs, calcutta, india. I would like to point out humbly that if a badhak planet is involved then irrespective of its other merits it will cause obstructions and disappointments pl ! A lady with kumbha ( aqurs) lagna and venus in tula ( libra) has struggled on the financial front throughout her life and has faced uncalled for reverses even though the badhak venus in mooltrikona has given her beauty, grace and charm. similarly a man of karkat( cancer) lagna with venus in vrishabh ( taurus) spent his 20 yrs of venus dasa facing mediocre financial success and instability of income and career. His life took off in his atmakaraka sun dasa…a lady of simha (leo) lagna , with mars in mithun ( gemini) lost her father early, struggled through higher education and early career, slowly worked her way into success by her mid 30s..didnt have any stroke of luck or any dazzling growth which a pure yogakaraka in the 11th may have given,,,,thanks for reading through please.


    1. Hello Sandeep and thanks for your excellent comment! You raise a very interesting point about Badhak planets. After much reflection on the rationale behind the claim that Badhak planets cause obstructions, serious difficulty and problems of various kinds, I have to say that I find the whole idea that the lord of the 9th house – the most fortunate, auspicious house in the horoscope – could take on such a role for those with Moveable signs on the lagna. Equally, are we to believe that everyone born with a Mutable sign on the lagna is going to face reversals and misfortune in marriage or business partnerships as a result of the 7th lord being Badhakesh? Can it be possible that all those born with Fixed sign on the lagna will face struggles financially or have serious problems with an elder brother due to the 11th lord being Badhakesh? Personally I find the whole idea counter-intuitive, especially when it comes to the 9th lord, who we are told is the author of all auspiciousness! In the example you gave: the lady with Kumbha lagna and Venus in 9th in Libra, she has received beauty, grace and charm, as one would expect from such a powerful yogakaraka. Her financial struggles may well be due to other causes: perhaps an afflicted 11th house or lord, or serious problems with the 2nd house. Similarly, the lady with Leo rising and yogakaraka Mars in Gemini in the 11th. I do not think we could attribute the loss of her father to this position, unless Mars afflicts the Sun or lord of the 9th. Nor I’m sure can her educational struggles be attributed solely to Mars in 11th house. Mars isn’t a pure yogakaraka in this horoscope, given that he is in the sign of his enemy, Mercury. You say she became successful in her mid-thirties. That’s not at all bad, really!
      As always, the whole horoscope has to be examined very carefully to determine the planetary causes of life events. I do not believe – and I think I’m joined by many other Jyotishas in saying this – that we can look at one factor in isolation, such as the position of the so-called badhak planet, and say that is the cause. Thank you again for your excellent comment and good luck in your studies of Jyotish!



  39. Hello sir, I was surfing to see effects of Saturn as yogakaraka planet sitting in 7th house for taurus ascendent and came across this beautiful, nicely written article.
    Birth details are:
    DOB: 12 Aug.1986
    Place: Latur (Maharashtra, India)
    Time: 12:08 AM
    My 7th lord is sitting in 8th house. Also, there is neechbhanga venus sitting in 5th house. I am wondering how Yogakaraka saturn will play its role in life and how marriage life will be. Any thoughts from you will improve my understandings better. Thanks.


  40. Hi my daughter is leo asc with mars in 9th house of aires . Its conj venus. Venus atma and mars amantya. In navamsha mars in 4 th house in scorpio conj moon and venus. What results will she have. DOB is 25 June 2009 at 10:44 am in bangalore india


  41. Hi Mr Pete,

    It is through my online reading that I became aware and later on admirer of Barbara Pijan for her logical and methodical approach towards this ancient science. Also for the manner in which she keeps updating her site for further more use by the practitioners. Today after going through your blog and related material am becoming equally enamoured. Kudos, thanks and please keep writings.



  42. Also would like to be directed to the link narrating the Fee and related information in order to avail of your professional guidance.

    Thank you


  43. Hello Sir… firstly thanks for the nice article.
    I have capricorn ascendant , and my Venus (yogkarka) is place in LEO (8th house) BUT in own nakshatra/star (Purvaphalgini ). Sir my question is that, my VENUS is weak being in enemy sign OR it is strong being in own nakshtra/star? and can i wear Venus gem stone?
    Please answer these question as i am looking for an answer to this since long.


  44. Hi Pete,
    Thanks a lot for sharing such a wonderful article regarding yogakarka planet. My hobby is astrology and I have been learning on & off from past 5 years. I have some doubt regarding mars yogakarka for cancer lagna.
    My case dob 17/07/1987 time 7:11 am
    POB barakar, wb india latitude 23N42 n long 86E48.
    I have deb mars in cancer with sun in lagna in d1 chart. Asc sign 27deg n sun 0 degree and jupiter in Aries 10th house
    Now d9 navamsa mars with rahu in dustansa 8th house Libra.
    Now dasamsa d10 for career also debilitated with Scorpio asc and it is in cancer 9th house n ketu in 10th house.
    Practically It was worst exp in Venus mahadasa n mars antradasa in 2012 end.
    1 Does neech effect of mars vanishes after 28th years of life.
    2 which chart gives accurate result kp chart or d1,d9,d10 combn. As according to that my mars n sun of d1 get shifted in 12th house. By seeing that I imagine as i was away from home since d commensment of Venus mahadasa in 2006


  45. Dear Sir,
    What is your considere view on yogkarak (lord of 5th and 10th) being combust and placed in 3rd house (upachyay) during its period of mahadasha? Kindly throw some light on this succint issue. Regard


  46. Hii,
    of late, i notice that no replies are coming from your end on this blog, since, obviously people are more interested in posing questions relating to their personal horoscope.
    i too had a similar intention, to be honest and frank, since i never consulted with a astrologer of non-indian origin.
    you possess a remarkable strength of the subject, as evident in all your replies.
    i have a taurus lagna, saturn and moon in first house. exchange on saturn and venus(in 10th house), and debiliated jupiter in 9th house. dont know if its debiliation is cancelled by yogakarka saturn placed in ascendant along with exalted moon.
    details are
    11 march 1973; 10.30 am IST, place of birth jammu, INDIA, Male


    1. Hello Karunesh,

      in my opinion the neechcha status of Jupiter in your chart is canceled for the most part, if not completely by virtue of the fact that Jupiter’s lord, Saturn, is angular and in exchange with his good friend Venus, who is also angular. Further, in the navamsha, Jupiter is dignified in Pisces and yuti an exalted Venus. Also note that Jupiter and the Sun are mutual nakshatra lords, ie, Jupiter resides in Uttarashada, ruled by the Sun, and the Sun resides in Purvabhadra, ruled by Jupiter. This is a powerful exchange. For the cancellation ( bangha) to be perfect, however, I would want to see Jupiter angular. Great question! Thank you..


  47. Hi sir! Is it true that maandi present in lagnam causes yagokaraka? But i have also heard that the maandi if present in any house (except 11th house) causes bad effects.
    Male- 2 march 92, 16:24, karur, India.


  48. December 11 1978, 10.07 am Calcutta India. Would you please tell me is my life always going to be very bad ? Is Lord Saturn very bad for me? I am going through a very bad phase.

    Thank you & Regards.


  49. Yogakaraka venus for Capricorn lagna is placed in mool trikona in the 10th house. It is exalted in Navamsha and Dashamsha. And 9th lord Mercury is Vargottama (in the same house in birth chart, navamsha and dashamsha.) And jupiter is exalted in 7th house in birth chart. Yet my life has been replete with obstacles. Is it because of Saturn and Rahu in 8th house Leo ? But saturn is exalted in Navamsha. Shouldn’t this have nullified/reduced the bad , at least somewhat ? Unless i get a Venus dasha, will i reap no benefits? Do planets only do their work in dashas? December 11 1978, 10.07 am, Calcutta, India


  50. I have been told that due to saturn in my eight house, I will die of a chronic disease within two years time. On the other hand some other astrologer has predicted good times for me as my saturn is d boss of 4th and 5th house. My concern is my career, which has been bad since 1st July 2015. I’m english lecturer in UK.
    17/4/73, 16:37 , Kanpur UP.


    1. I am very wary whenever I read comments by astrologers who predict certain death within a particular time-frame. It is always a good idea to seek a second, and even third opinion. Please see my post on Fees and Services if you would like me to take a closer look for you.



  51. Respected Sir,
    I am studying Astrology from past 10 years and I am great admirer of you.
    I have some doubts on this topic and want to get cleared from your excellent knowledge and blessings.
    I have Mars is in 3rd House (Leo Ascendant) with Saturn conjuct. Mars is in 24 degree in Vishaka Nakshatra, Puskara Navamsha. L3 Venus is in 12th Cancer. Mars is in Taurus in Navamsha chart.
    My Details: 22/07/1984, 8.20 am, Place: Maddur, Karnataka, India.

    My Mars Dasha will be starting from November 2015 and I am hoping to have rising in my career and other aspects. Even though Mars is Bhadaka for Simha Lagna, He is still Yogakaraka right?. Also, I need clarity on Puskara Navamsha which Parashara also stated like equal to Vargothama strength.

    Please advice me and Bless me Sir



    1. Hello Prathapap,

      there is no doubt that as Lord 4 and Lord 9, Mars is the Yogakaraka for your Leo lagna.
      As for Pushkara, what can be predicted? First of all the Pushkara graha must be at birth in order for it to fulfill it’s blessings in full measure. In your case, it’s true that Mars is lord of a kendra and a kona, but that in itself doesn’t make it . He is in the rashi of a neutral graha, Venus, and an upachaya house, so it can’t be said to be particularly strong. His conjunction with uchcha Saturn is a 7-9 Raja Yoga. however, and I feel that during your Mars dasha, Saturn bukhti you should obtain some success in competitive ventures. If you apply for career positions at this time you should be successful.



  52. Hello Sir, thank you for this enlightening article about yogakaraka palnets.
    I am taurus ascendent and having saturn in 7th house. I am facing trouble in finding match for myself to get married. Although i have comparatively good job and professional life, physically fit and athlete kind of person. I see having Yogakaraka planet in 7th house still facing lot of troubles in finding good match. What could be the reason please?
    Birth details are:
    DOB: 12 Aug.1986
    Place: Latur (Maharashtra, India)
    Time: 12:08 AM
    My 7th lord is sitting in 8th house. Also, there is neechbhanga venus sitting in 5th house. Also, I am wondering how Yogakaraka saturn will play its role in life and how marriage life will be. Any thoughts from you about my chart please.



    1. Hello Amarghote,
      even though Saturn is yogakaraka in your chart, he will still act according to his own nature, which is slow, deliberate and challenging. In the 7th house he is always likely to delay marriage, or bring marriage to someone much older or far more mature. In Scorpio, he is in the sign of Mars, who he considers an enemy, so he isn’t very comfortable there. Saturn requires patience and discipline whereas Mars wants to push his will and gain everything immediately. This is a good position for an athlete or a strong-minded businessman but does not work very well in personal relationships. Added to this L7, Mars, is in the 8th house of sudden change, which hints at much go then stop, go then stop when it comes to marriage. You move on quickly after sudden shocks and separations.
      I feel that marriage will be most likely to come during either your Saturn-Moon period or Saturn-Mars ( Aug 2029 – May 2032 ).



  53. Dear Sir,

    Planets like Saturn or Mars (Natural Malefics), but in some charts they become benifics and yogakarakas. I was particularly curious to know what priority does a planet take in terms of judging whether it gives good results or bad results if it is a natural malefic and at the same time it is a yogakaraka (functional benific) in the chart.

    For example: I am talking about this my own chart which has libra ascendant, Saturn placed in 5th house (Yogakaraka and in its own house) and Mars in 11th house (Lord of 7th house). Both of these planets are natural malefics but for a libra ascendant, saturn becomes a yogakaraka & Functional Benific and mars is a mild malefic. Both of these planets aspect each other and further more, saturn aspects the 7th house in which Venus is placed (mars being the lord of the 7th house). So, in such situation, Does the functional benific aspect of Saturn override the natural malefic effect or will it be vice-versa? This has been a question that I was very puzzled with. Kindly throw some light on it

    Thank You


  54. Hello Pete,

    when shani is a Yogakaraka planet , when the person can start getting the benefits during the shani dasa . My shani dasa starts from August 2016 and interestingly Guru will also be in 5th house of Gochara. How this will catapult me to the next level in my profession which I was deprived for long


    1. Hi Prashanth,
      I apologise for.not replying sooner. I have a busy work schedule and don’t always get all the time I need to enjoy my favourite avocation.
      I agree with Karunesh, you have Gemini rising and therefore there is no yogakaraka planet for your chart.


  55. Hello Pete,
    I have interest in astrology and try to study it in my free time. I usually refer to articles from Barbara Pijan Lama and Kapiel Raaj. I just happened to visit your site while I was researching on the yogakarakas. I went through the above comments where you said that “a yogakaraka planet will be a potential source of success, even if it occupies a difficult house…”. I also went through your article – The “Dreaded” Saturn Dasha where it is mentioned that Shani in 12th “brings an element of dissolution, sacrifice and isolation…” My ascendant is Libra and my question is – does Saturn in my chart creates any mental block or restriction or does it give good results when in 12th house. I am not sure if a malefic planet can provide good results in dushtamsha houses something like minus and minus results in a plus. I am trying to understand the potential of my yogakaraka which is in the 12th house. It would be great if you can help me crack this.
    DOB – 6 Sep 1982, 08:53 am, Calcutta (India).


    1. Hi Deepak,
      first of all let me apologise for the delay in answering your question. I’m often unable to return to my blog page as much as I’d like, but today I have some time so I can get to your question. When Yogakaraka Saturn is in the 12th house in Virgo he gives very much different results than when he is in the 12th in Aries for a Taurus lagna, as Aries is the sign of his debilitation, and unless neechcha bhanga is present Saturn in Aries in the 12th house can cause certain mental/emotional issues and a tendency towards isolation and depression. The writer Virginia Woolf had this position.
      In your chart Saturn is well supported by a well dignified, exalted Mercury, with which he forms a 4-9 Raja Yoga, and the mutual glance of the Moon, L10, and with whom he forms a 5-10 Raja Yoga. In fact, the mutual positions of the bright Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter form a very nice Chandra Adhi yoga in which your Saturn participates. The 12th house would focus much of this on the pursuit of spiritual subjects and moksha. The 12th is also the house of foreign countries and your yogakaraka there may well incline you to live abroad or at least far from home as you pursue your spiritual journey. Saturn is still a malefic so you may well be called upon to make sacrifices or accept delays or develop self-discipline but the overall condition of your Saturn is good, being in a sign of a good friend and being aspected by L9 and L10. A career in service to others will bring you your greatest fulfillment.
      I hope this helps!



    1. Hi Kandan,
      this is an excellent question because if the trine/kendra rule works for Saturn as lord of the 4th and 5th for Libra and 9th and 10th for Taurus then why not for Jupiter as lord of 1 and 10 for Pisces, or lord 1 and 4 for Sagittarius? The reason is that, according to classical teachings, when a benefic planet rules a Kendra it loses much of it’s benefic nature and behaves more like a neutral. It doesn’t become malefic but it’s power to bring benefits is diluted. By the same token when a malefic rules a Kendra it loses some of it’s maleficent nature and becomes neutral. It doesn’t become benefic but it’s power to cause harm is diluted. For this reason Jupiter cannot become a yogakaraka planet for a Pisces or Sagittarius lagna. I realise that this may be confusing because when we look at Mars as yogakaraka for Cancer and Leo lagna, he is lord of the 10th in the former and of the 4th in the latter. Both kendras. My feeling is that the reason Mars is considered yogakaraka for these lagnas is because in one he also rules the 9th house, considered to be the strongest trine, and in the other he rules the 5th, the next strongest.
      I hope this helps, and thanks for the question!



      1. Hi Pete,
        Thank you for your time and patience for reading through and answering my earlier question
        really appreciate a Detailed explanation. It is not often that i get to transverse with a acknowledged person. A guru by all means!

        Does that mean Jupiter will not create(Karak meaning factor/Agent) yoga for Pisces? maybe I have not understood the Real meaning of yoga karak as explained by you?

        Why I had doubts about this was because when you hear Pisces, Sagittarius you immediately think of Hansa Yoga (panch-mahapurush) they appear only in Kendra houses and seems to me regardless of beneficial or malefic nature(Sasha with Saturn) they help create some astounding results known since vedic times (Darupadi’s wish). I know about this as I have moon in Ascendant (Pisces) and Jupiter conjunct Mercury and Venus at 10th in Sagittarius. Here Jupiter is not only creating Hans yoga but combined with sun in 9th its also giving effects of veshi yoga. Exalted saturn in 8th and exalted mars in 11th are not causing problems with these yogas. also none of them are getting weaker in Navmasha in fact Venus a known malefic for pieces is in Sagittarius sign in Navmasha as well hence ascertaining the Hans yoga which weakens with malefic influence(Neecha uchha).
        Also Moon in 1st is only strengthening the effects a pure Pisces I must say
        also few yogas with jupiter in 10th at kendra would be Gaj keshri , also vasumati yoga just to name a few.

        I understand and merit your inhibitions to convey unsolicited Reading of personal charts in this section please think of this as an Illustrative proof of my discussion as I only wish to understand this yoga karak aspect. I for one think that charts cannot be read and understood by others and are only meant to understand and navigate through the aspects of self.

        Thank you
        P.S. apologies about length.


      2. Hi again Chandan,
        yes you are correct when you say that Jupiter cannot form the function of yogakaraka planet because Jupiter does not rule both a kendra *and* a trikona house for any lagna. The first house doesn’t count when deciding on a yogakaraka planet but the lagna *does* count when we are looking for other raja yogas. For example, the first lord with the 5th lord, the first lord with the 10th lord and the first lord with the 7th lord – all of these are excellent raja yogas, formed in part by the placement of the lagna lord with respect to other house lords, but the lagna itself cannot be included when finding the yogakaraka planet.



  56. hello sir,
    my name is prakash biswakarma.
    my dob is 1980 may 08.
    birth time 0600 AM


      1. Hello again Prakash,
        please understand that when I have replied to others their questions have invariably been simple ones or of a general nature. What you have asked me to do is comment on a 4-planet conjunction, which is such a complex configuration that it probably has a major bearing on your whole horoscope. I am happy to analyse this for you but I feel that it would take me so long to do it that some kind of financial remuneration is only fair. I hope you can understand that.



    1. Hi Sameeksha, thanks for a great question. The reason that the Ascendant isn’t considered in the list ( if I understand your question correctly) is because the Ascendant is both a kendra and trikona house. How therefore, do you determine the yogakaraka for it? In your example of Pisces lagna, benefic Jupiter becomes L1 and L10, thereby ruling two kendras. The Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra tells us that when a benefic rules a kendra it loses it’s benefic status and becomes a neutral. The same applies to Sagittarius, Virgo, and Gemini lagnas. – a benefic rules two kendras and loses it’s benefic status. Such a planet cannot become yogakaraka according to classical texts.


  57. Hey Pete, pleased to see your blog , doing a wonderful job by sharing knowledge . am too a student of astrology and have come across some doubts , I have a cancer ascendant with mars placed on 1st house cancelling the debilitating effect due to jupiter’s aspect on it by being placed on 5th house . and mercury placed on 7th house . so since the neech effect getting cancelled
    do I have a powerful raj yoga with ruchaka yoga? like yogkaraka planet + ruchak yoga


    1. Hi A man,
      first of all, thank you for your kind compliment. I do my best to share what knowledge I have gained via my own studies under my jyotishguru, Marc Boney. To answer your question, you do indeed have a strong raja yoga thanks to Jupiter, L9 aspecting Mars, L10. , cancelling the neechcha condition of Mars. This cancellation does not, however, produce Ruchaka yoga for Mars. This can only occur when Mars is actually in its own or exaltation sign and in a kendra from Lagna or the Moon. Good question, though!



      1. Thanks for solving the doubt , can you enlighten me about the importance of bhav chalit chart , with respect to lagna kundli chart , as moon placed ascendant in chalit chart with mars won’t produce ruchaka yoga effects ?


    1. Hi Prasad, and thanks for your question. A marana graha is one that rules the 2nd or 7th house from the Laguna. So, for Aries Laguna Venus becomes a maraka graha, for Cancer lagna the Sun and Saturn become marakas, for Virgo lagna, both Venus and Jupiter – even though they are natural benefics – take on the role of marakas. The same can be said for a planet placed in the 2nd or 7th house.

      Liked by 1 person

  58. Im a cancer ascendant with mars yogakaraka at gemini(mercury house)since it was in enemy house but with jupiter and vargottama and retograde….My moon sign is leo….I had vipareetha rajayoga jupiter at 12 house at mars star.will mars give better results as yogakaraka


    1. Hello Mahesh,
      again, without seeing the full horoscope I’m not prepared to speculate on anything, other than Mars getting strength due to being vargottama, as well as being in a nakshatra of his good friend, Jupiter.


  59. For Leo ascendant, Debilitated Jupiter along with Rahu and Mercury in 6th house. Mars and Saturn in 1st house. Now does this kind of Jupiter tend to give positive/negative results? Is it neecha bhanga/Vipareeta raj yoga?.. it is quite confusing..


  60. Thanks for your reply. The planets placement i was referring to belong to D9 chart.
    [ Feb 4 1989, 9:15am, Bengaluru, Karnataka (India)]. It seems like Jupiter is debilitated in D9 and D10. Just curious whether Jupiter will give positive/negative results..


    1. It’s important to look at the condition of a planet in the rashi (D1) chart first, and then see if it’s position in the D9 offers additional testimony. Is Jupiter strong in D1? If so its debility in D9 will weaken it, but not completely. If it is weak in D1 and D9 without cancellation of any sort then it is indeed a weak Jupiter, which is true in your case. Jupiter is helped in your D1 by it’s aspect to his sign lord, Venus, but Venus is L8 and L3, so considered a malefic for Pisces lagna. Its a good position financially, after all, Venus in the 11th gets the trine of Jupiter in 3rd. This, along with Mercury also in an Upachaya house, forms Vasumati yoga, which can bring wealth, or at the very least, comfort.
      So, even though Jupiter is weak, it is part of a comfort-producing yoga. The degree of comfort depends on its strength, which isn’t great.


  61. Thanks for your reply Pete.
    So from your point of view, yogas & degree in D1 play major role in determining the positive/negative results of a planet (in this case jupiter). Where as Neech bhanga or VRY of jupiter (or any other planet) in D9 or D10 does not offer any help to the planet??
    Or is it only exaltation and debilitation of planet that matters in divisional chart and not the yogas that they make, defines the results from that planet ??


    1. Just to clarify further: If you have a weak or debilitated planet in D1, the yogas it participates in in D1 will give correspondingly weak results. However if that same planet – in your case, Jupiter – falls in it’s own or exaltation sign, or in an exchange, in D9, it gets considerably strengthened thereby, *and so do any yogas it forms in D1 and D9*. If, on the other hand, the weak Jupiter in D1 doesn’t get strengthened in D9, but rather falls in the sign of a neutral or enemy planet, or even that of a friend, it remains correspondingly weak, *despite what yogas it may form in D1 or D9.* The only exception would be the Parivartana Yoga (exchange). That would also cancel neechcha status and strengthen the planet in D1 or D9.
      I hope that clarifies things a little. 😊


  62. Sir,
    For cancer ascendant yogakaraka mars is at hidden 12th bhava Inimical sign of gemini But Retograde,Vargottama and with jupiter conjunction at sukshama parivartana with jupiter.mars at jupiter’s star and vice versa.Is mars is very strong as yogakaraka and will give good results to my career


  63. Thank you sir.Developed a concept at Nutrition and wellness segment and trying to market that waiting for yogakaraka dasha.will it frutify even at hidden 12th bhava and at an Inimical sign of Gemini


  64. Namaskar,
    Can you please suggest what has happened whether neecha banga happened between mars and moon or its mutual exchange alone for Aquarius lagna. Does sun becomes beneficial when placed tenth from moon. DOB 06.09.1981, POB MADURAI, INDIA. TIME 18.13 PM. Thank you in advance.


  65. Hi Pete, very nice blog on astrology. I have a question on my horoscope(Taurus ascendent) where I have Rahu is at 7th place(Scorpio), and its lord mars is debilated at 3rd house(Cancer) and yogakaraka Saturn at 10th house(Aquarius). Lagna lord Venus placed at 11th house(Pisces) exalted. Many says Rahu at 7th place harms marriage and marital life, is it true? Here Yogakaraka Saturn is aspecting Rahu(placed in kendra) which makes rahu as yogakaraka planet right? Whats your view on this? Please reply me with your views.


    1. Hello Karthik,
      traditionally Rahu in the 7th house does not necessarily “harm” marriage or married life ( see, for example, the horoscopes of Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Grace of Monaco, Prince William ) What it does signify is a spouse who comes from a different social class, culture, religion or country. The partner is often considered an “outsider” in some way; someone who possesses a great deal of charisma, or a marriage that breaks with social or cultural norms.
      The aspect from such a strong, powerful Saturn does not make Rahu a yogakaraka planet. The yogakaraka planet is that which rules both a trikona and a kendra house from the ascendant. In your chart Saturn is that planet and it’s aspect onto Rahu in the 7th describes to some extent both the nature of the marriage partner (perhaps a noticeable age/class/social difference) and the circumstances of the marriage (delayed, late).
      I hope this helps you. – Pete


    1. Hi Naren,
      Mars is yogakaraka for Leo lagna regardless of what house it is placed in. For Leo lagna Mars rules the 9th house and the 4th house. That is what makes it the yogakaraka planet for Leo.


      1. Good day, Just to let you know I am Leo ASC and passing through Shani Mahadasa and Mars (yoga karaka) anatar dasa and at present Mars in 11th house from moon. I am disparately trying to get a job at my wife place and appeared for interviews. Can I positively expect any job prospects during this time.


      2. Hi Naren,
        at first glance the antardasha of Mars would appear positive for career advancement. Mars is your 10th lord in 5th in a good friend’s sign, forming raja yoga by placement. However, without seeing the whole chart I am reluctant to say anything more definitive.
        Please bear in mind that my fee for analyzing one question relating to your horoscope is $100.
        Thank you for your question!


    1. Hi Shamia,
      this is an excellent question. Much depends upon whether the debilitation gets cancelled or not. This is known as “neecha bhanga” Examples of cancellation would be:
      1. Yogakaraka aspected by/conjunct/mutual exchange with it’s sign lord or exaltation lord.
      2. Yogakaraka vargottama (same sign in D1 and D9)
      3. Yogakaraka own sign or exalted in D9
      If any of these conditions are present then the yogakaraka has a source of underlying strength that will mitigate the debilitation, thereby allowing the yogakaraka planet to give auspicious results in it’s dasha.


  66. Good day,,
    Just wanted bring to your notice. I am Leo ASC and my yogakaraka planet Mars 4th lord is in 5th house. I am currently passing through Saturn maha dasa and Mars antardasa. Can I expect good job prospects during this period. Incidentally Mars is transiting in 11th house from moon (MAKARA).
    Thank you for your time.


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